Monday, January 17, 2011

Matthew 7:12

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. -Matthew 7:12

I didn't make any resolutions this year since resolutions are so often broken before January even ends.  Instead I made it a goal to live by this verse.  I plan to live this tangibly by using my coupon tips to help others. 

My church, Sayrewoods Bible Church, has a food bin ministry that exists to help those in need.  The people that volunteer in this ministry have been helping people in the Old Bridge community for years.  Even though I have been attending the church for almost 20 years I am ashamed to say that I never really noticed the ministry and never thought much about the people that were being serviced.  It took me losing my job to realize that many of us are a few paychecks or even just one paycheck away from needing the help of a ministry like this.

We are at a place in our family where we aren't financially able to give more than our tithe each week but I have a gift for getting free or low cost items.  I can and need to use that gift to help others.  I have made it my goal to drop off items to the food bin as much as I can.

Take the time in this new year to look for opportunities where you can donate to others.  This can be a monetary or physical donation but it can also be a donation of your time!

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